Ny forskning om SE-metoden

Monique Pfaltz, professor vid Mittuniversitetet berättar om genomförd och planerad forskning kring några av effekterna av Somatic Experiencing.


”Monique Pfaltz will present some of the research that she and her team at Mid Sweden University are currently conducting in collaboration with several SE trainers and teachers from Sweden, Norway and Switzerland. On the one hand, she will present first results of a project that assesses if a single SE session can have a positive effect on how people feel in social situations (for example, how safe someone feels in the presence of others) and how this is affected by developmental trauma. On the other hand, she will present a planned study (randomized controlled trial) that will assess the effect of 15 SE sessions in individuals with a history of developmental trauma who are currently suffering from depression and/or posttraumatic stress disorder.”


Dag & Tid: 2024-03-05 klockan 19:00-20:00


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